
Current league meta 2016
Current league meta 2016

This meta will most likely shift over the coming months but as of right now if you want to win I suggest trying out some bruisers. Tanks in general have too many counters that can be played in every role and is proven by the winrates currently.

current league meta 2016

In reality, Hearsteel is only very powerful on a very select few champions(Sion) although I will say it is an amazing item in aram.

current league meta 2016


When trying out the new patch items like Heartsteel can be incredibly fun but are in no way overpowered as many have claimed. The monstrous amount of resistance along with the health drain allows both tanks and bruisers to utilize the item well the only difference is bruisers deal significantly more damage taking much more advantage of the stats. The other item to really look at is Jak’Sho one of the new tank items has found its home on bruisers rather than tanks. Hydra has become a monster with its stacking damage and omnvivamp many bruisers can abuse this item to no end creating an unkillable monster. To me, the biggest item change has been to Ravenous Hydra. Druids came out of the ashes once more with. This was the rise of Shaman, and the start of it being incredibly strong, with Aggro Shaman being their herald. Since this removed several sets, it changed the meta dramatically. The other biggest issue is the item changes benefitted bruisers way more than tanks in general. With the release of Whispers of the Old Gods came Standard mode. When looking at every lane tanks are nowhere to be found because while in a vacuum the new items are good for them they straight up can not compete with bruisers.

current league meta 2016

Fiora is the quintessential tank killer with huge mobility, cc counter, and of course her true damage. The other eight top winrates are all bruisers, Camille, Mordekaiser, and especially Fiora are all champions who dominate tanks but can also fully take over a game. These two champs are Shen a huge lane bully that dominates most other tanks and Nasus who honestly is more of a bruiser. Out of the top 10 win rates in the top lane the more tank-centric lane there are a total of two champions that you could classify as tanks. The first thing to look at and the easiest way to find out how strong champions generally are is just looking at their win rate on OP.GG.

Current league meta 2016